At Deep Jewels 34, on September 4th, Kyoka and Aya Murakami will face off in a Microweight bout (44kg/97lbs). Even though this will only be her second professional fight, Kyoka has already started to get some attention. This seems to be in part due to the fact that she is from Niigata. While female MMA fighters may be relatively common in places like Tokyo and Kanagawa, that is not the case when you take a three-hour train ride northwest. In fact, Kyoka is only the second female mixed martial artist to come from the region, Hikari Sato is considered the first. As a result, she has received some attention from outlets like Nikkan Sports and even appeared on local TV. (下に日本語がある)
Heralded as the smallest female fighter in Japan, Kyoka stands at 146cm (4″8) and weighs in at 42kg (93lbs). When asked about her small size, she fully embraces it, seeing it as a challenge and an opportunity to become unique. However, she also recognizes that she walks around 2kg (4.4lbs) under the Microweight limit, so she has been training at a wrestling club once a week and eating four meals a day in an attempt to bulk up.
Despite losing her professional debut in June, she had some success as an amateur. In 2018, she won the Isami Reversal Summer Cup white belt division (BJJ) and in 2020 she picked up an amateur win for Shooto, earning her professional license from the promotion in the process. In September, she will be facing Aya Murakami, a BJJ blackbelt who is returning from an injury after winning her pro-debut. This match is truly between two up and comers and may be a glimpse into the future of the division. We had a chance to speak to Kyoka and ask her about herself and the upcoming fight among other things. The conversation is below, please enjoy.
You can also follow Kyoka on Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube.
CJ: Thank you for taking the time do this interview! Can you start by telling us about your martial arts background?
Kyoka: I didn’t have a background in martial arts, I just started training in MMA about 5 years ago.
CJ: I see, that’s interesting. Do you remember why you decided to turn professional?
Kyoka: I turned pro because I want to be able to say that people can change! Originally, I was part of a cultural club (Editor’s note: Japanese students are often required to join a club, athletic or cultural) and had no athletic ability, but my life changed when I took up martial arts. I also wanted to become stronger.
CJ: I see, that seems like a unique reason. Speaking of your background, I read that you are from Niigata prefecture, there are not a lot of fighters from around there. Do you get a lot of support from the people up there? I saw you were on TV and in the paper.
Kyoka: I’ve experienced a lot of support. When I went to support an event in my hometown, Niigata (The capital of the prefecture), people who knew me came up and said things like “Congrats on turning pro!” “Keep up the hard work!” and “We’re gonna keep supporting you!”

CJ: That’s good, it’s always nice to hear about fighters getting support. Moving away from your background, I couldn’t help but notice that you are being called the smallest fighter in Deep and Deep Jewels. Is that true?
Kyoka: Yes! It’s really true. Since I have this thing that no other fighter has, I want to become a fighter like no one else.
CJ: I also read that you’re a big fan of Rizin and Kanna Asakura. How did that come about? Would you ever want to fight her?
Kyoka: Just when I was getting interested in MMA, I met her at a fight and was amazed that their was a pro the same age as me. I thought she was really cool and I wanted to be like her. At the moment, I don’t think I want to fight her yet.
CJ: I see, well, moving on to your next fight, you will be facing Aya Murakami, a talented BJJ fighter. What do you think of her?
Kyoka: I think she’s become a strong fighter.

CJ: What motivates you as a fighter? Do you have any goals?
Kyoka: I’m motivated by the support of those around me. When people say things like “Do your best!”, it makes really happy.
CJ: Now for some non-MMA related questions. What do you like to do outside of training? Do you have any other hobbies?
Kyoka: I don’t do anything outside of martial arts (lol). But when I have time, I go out with my friends.
CJ: What things are you interested in? Are there any movies, manga or food that you like?
Kyoka: I don’t read manga. As far as my favorite foods, I like sushi and cherries.
CJ: Well, thank you for taking taking the time to answer our questions! Do you have a message for the readers?
Kyoka: I am going to be a small fighter who leaves a big impression, so please support me!
Japanese Below
CJ: インタビュー受けていただき、ありがとうございます!Kyoka選手の格闘技のバックグラウンドを教えて頂けないでしょうか?いつからMMAの練習を始めましたか?
Kyoka選手: バックグラウンドはないです。 MMAを始めたのは5年前です。
CJ: なるほど。プロになりたいと思った時期や理由を覚えていますか?
Kyoka選手: 人は変われる!っと言うことを伝えたかったからです。元々文化部で運動神経もなかったのですが、格闘技を続けて人生が変わりました。 あと、強くなりたかったです。
CJ: 面白いですね。新潟出身ですね。新潟の人達に応援されていますか?地元のテレビや新聞に出たと読みました。それはどうでしたか?
Kyoka選手: とても感じますね。地元新潟である試合の応援に行くと、知ってる方皆にプロおめでとう!とかこれからも頑張ってね!っと応援してくれます。
CJ: それはいい事ですね。Kyoka選手はDeepとDeep Jewelsの中で最も小さい選手だと読みました。それは本当ですか?小さい選手であることの挑戦を楽しんでいますか?
Kyoka選手: はい!本当です。誰にも持ってないものを持っているので、誰もできない選手になりたいです。
CJ: Rizinと浅倉カンナ選手の大ファンであると読みました。どうしてファンになりましたか?浅倉選手と戦ってみたいと思いますか?
Kyoka選手: 私がMMAに興味を持ち初めてすぐにある試合会場でお会いし、同い年でプロ選手って凄いな!めっちゃかっこいい!カンナ選手みたいになりたい!って思いました。 今は戦ってみたいとは思ってないです。
CJ: 次の相手は、技術力の高いブラジリアン柔術の村上彩選手ですね。相手のことをどう思っていますか?
Kyoka選手: 強い選手だなっと思っています。
CJ: なるほど。選手としてのKyoka選手のモチベーションは何ですか?目標はありますか?
Kyoka選手: 周りの方々の応援です。 頑張ってね!など声をかけてもらえるのは嬉しいです。
CJ: 格闘技以外の質問もあります。趣味は何ですか? 時間があるときは、何をしていますか?
Kyoka選手: 格闘技以外ないです (笑)。 時間がある時は友達とお出かけしています。
CJ: なるほど。好きな漫画や音楽や食べ物がありますか?
Kyoka選手: 漫画は見ないですね。 好きな食べ物はお寿司とさくらんぼです。
CJ: インタビューを受けていただき、ありがとうございました。ファンにメッセージがありましたら教えてください。
Kyoka選手: 小さくても大きい印象を残せる選手になります。応援よろしくお願いします!